The Network for Training Excellence in Wind Energy

What We Do

BZEE develops certified industry-relevant training courses with a high level of practical content for the wind energy sector. An advisory board made up of industry players determines the contents and high quality standards of the courses. The corresponding BZEE certificates, which are seen as an important sign of quality in the sector, ensure training complies with these high standards.

All BZEE training providers are certified and meet the strict BZEE training provider criteria. Specially designed training courses for instructors ensure that BZEE quality standards are maintained worldwide. Additionally, training providers are audited on a regular basis to ensure they always comply with BZEE standards.

BZEE training courses focus on practical training on real turbines, as favoured by the industry, setting them apart from the many classroom-based courses on the market. In close cooperation with the industry, the BZEE global network has trained more people to be wind turbine technicians than any other organization.

In January, 2020 BZEE Network GmbH won the contract to manage the BZEE Association and expand the BZEE network of training providers globally. The company are experts in all aspects of establishing a successful training facility for the wind industry - from train-the-trainer courses to training facility equipment and certification. Click here to find out more about BZEE Network, to find your nearest BZEE training provider or even how to become a certified BZEE training provider.

Who We Are


BZEE e.V. (Training Centres for Renewable Energy Non-Profit Association, or in German Bildungszentren für Erneuerbare Energien eingetragener Verein) was founded in 2000 by the German wind energy industry, the German Wind Energy Association (BWE) and the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Today, it's members include many of the world's leading wind energy companies and organizations.

Our Board

BZEE e.V. is represented by the executive board, which is elected every three years. The board convenes at least twice a year and names the members of the BZEE e.V. advisory committee.

Axel Wörner Chairman
Minimax Fire Solutions GmbH
(Head of CC Renewables)

Emmanuel Schuddinck
JUSTY éngenierie énergies 
(Managing director)

Sebastian Enache
Monsson Operations GmbH
(Group Business Development Manager)

Advisory Committee Members

The BZEE e.V. advisory committee formulates and evaluates new requirements for qualifications, pursues the development of new training modules and regularly updates the board on the progress made. 

A Global Network

BZEE e.V. has been working on quality standards in wind energy for more than 20 years and was founded by leading companies from the German wind energy sector. Today, the association has a global membership representing a cross-section of the wind industry - from manufacturers and ISPs to recruitment agencies and BZEE licensed training partners.


Membership of BZEE e.V. is open to companies and organizations which are active in the field of renewable energy. Membership allows you to have an influence on quality standards and help shape the development of the energy sector. If you would like to become a member please submit a completed membership application form, which will then be considered by the BZEE e.V. board.

Membership Application Form